Class Size
Our Powerful Curriculum
12 modules, completed over 12 months.

Breathing & Meditation
✓ Learn how to meditate and establish a personal practice
✓ Explore the breath and practice breathwork

Philosophy, Styles & History
✓ Understand the origins of modern yoga
✓ Learn how the practice & teaching of Kundalini Yoga have evolved

Anatomy, Asana & Sequencing
✓ Explore the different modalities of Kundalini yoga
✓ Understand how a Kundalini Yoga class is different

Personal Inquiry
✓ Present findings to your peers
✓ Define and shape your unique teaching philosophy

Kundalini Yoga
✓ Learn to combine mantra, movement, and meditation
✓ Understand how to structure a Kundalini Yoga class

Creating Connection
✓ Set up your online yoga studio
✓ Learn to market your classes

Practice Teaching
✓ Practice leading online classes
✓ Get feedback on your teaching
Course Breakdown

Upcoming Start Dates:
Library of Teachings)
Meet your Trainer
Salimah Kassim-Lakha is the Director of YogaVision. Salimah is an entrepreneu, Yoga Therapist and Kundalini Yoga Trainer. As a Canadian of South Asian descent, she offers an authentic approach to yoga, rooted in spirituality.
For Salimah, the journey to becoming a Kundalini Yoga Teacher is about personal development, healing trauma and developing your leadership voice. As your confidence grows, you can have such a powerful impact on your own life and on the people around you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can you learn from Kundalini Yoga Training?
Kundalini Yoga Teacher training changed my life. It changed me. Here’s what happened and what I learned. By Salimah Kassim-Lakha.
1. Yoga is much more than the postures
Dangling upside down in a forward fold, I thought I had the height of an experience. Turns out that adding meditation, mantra, breath work and the philosophy behind the practice - is really where the practice begins. The poses are secondary.
2. I am responsible for my own experience
As I learned more about the connection between mind and body, I started to see how my thoughts affected my reality. If I decided to have a good day, I would have one. If I decided to the most inflexible student bend and touch their toeslet my mood run the show - it did. And I had to deal with the consequences. It gave me an awareness of my superpowers. Now, I have much more control over how my days unfold.
3. Everyone is doing the best they can
This is true on and off the mat. I have watched students who have never meditated before - find a regular daily practice for themselves. After a few classes, I have seen. And I have let people off the hook - because everyone is doing their best, including me.
4. Off the mat is just as important as on the mat
In the early days of my Yoga practice - I would take all of my ups and downs to my mat. In that one hour - I would set my intention and let it all go. By the time I stepped off my mat - whatever it was would have faded into the distance. No I set my intentions before I do anything.
5. It’s all about technique
One of the hardest things I have ever done was to sit down, close my eyes and clear my mind. Let’s be honest, it never really happened. I would plan my dinner, my wardrobe and everything in between. Teacher training showed me how to use my breath to calm my body, when to use a mantra to focus my mind, and the power that comes from doing these things consistently. As I run my Yoga business- I always establish a technique - that saves me time, effort and money.
6. Spirit is what Spirit Does
The universal principles and teachings of Yoga helped me appreciate and celebrate spirituality in all its forms. Being closer to nature, seeing the divine in all beings, and learning about other spiritual traditions have enriched my daily experience.
7. Patience Pays
Yoga and meditation strengthen the nervous system. As my nervous system got stronger, I was much more able to handle my emotions. I freaked out less. I became more patient. Being patient has ushered in a new level of relating to myself and to others. I see things more clearly because I take the time to notice instead of making snap decisions. Everything takes time - and it takes patience to see that.
8. Saying Yes
Back in the days before Yoga, I trapped myself in my comfort zone. Same people, same ideas, same habits. Once I dedicated myself to my practice and to the teachings, I started to say yes more often. Yes, to new opportunities, to the unknown, to the unfamiliar, and I watched myself grow. My perspectives on life and love shifted in ways that helped me be more open, loving and compassionate - with myself and with others.
9. There is always more to learn
The ancient art and sciences of Yoga and Meditation are vast. This field is about lifelong learning. Each movement, mantra, meditation and breathing practie has a nuance to offer the entire body of information I already have. It’s fascinating, in-depth, and so relevant to day-to-day life.
10. Expect the Unexpected
When I started taking Yoga classes - I had no idea what lay ahead. I really didn’t give it much thought. I went to class, and I knew I felt better afterward. After about a year of doing that - my perspective on life shifted. When I started Yoga Teacher Training, I knew I was signing up to change my life. Ten years later, I owned a Yoga Studio, and now I have clients worldwide, and speak to audiences regularly about the power of Yoga and Meditation. It has all been unexpected in one breath, and in the nex, it feels like exactly what I was born to do.
Who needs Kundalini Yoga?
Kundalini Yoga offers answers to PTSD, anxiety, depression, confusion, low energy, and much more. Benefits come from a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditations. One of the most impactful aspects of Kundalini Yoga is that it provides a spiritual experience which is unlike any other form of Yoga. When you can meet yourself spiritually, you can take on any challenge because you know you have all the resources of the Universe to guide and support you.
How do you prepare for Kundalini Yoga Training?
On a practical level, you simply need a place to practice and time in your schedule to commit to a regular practice. On a deeper level, you need to be willing to meet yourself. This means having a willingness to witness all aspects of your personality. You need to be ready to examine your childhood, heal trauma and choose to believe, act and show up differently in your life. You will understand fear as a projection of the mind and choose love instead. When you tackle what you are afraid of, you can come up with clear and easy solutions to most of life’s challenges.
What are the prerequisites for Kundalini Yoga Training?
When you strengthen your nervous system, your capacity to handle stress, emotions and the demands of work and family life increases. You are calmer, self-confident, and can make clear and compassionate decisions. When you act this way, everyone around you can level up and meet you at this more conscious level. Your ripple effect becomes more excellent. You become a leader in your life and can significantly impact You mustthe world. Here is what you need to do to prepare for Kundalini Yoga Training:
1. Practice, Practice, Practice.
The best way to gain the benefits of Kundalini Yoga is to practice daily for 20 to 40 minutes. You can choose a Kriya and Meditation from my YouTube channel or contact me for a Kundalini Numerology Consultation, and I will select the best Kriya and meditation for you. This is key to strengthening your nervous system.
2. Set Your Intentions
Once you have practiced daily for 3 to 6 months, you can apply for Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. It is essential to be clear on what you want to gain from the program. Is it for personal development so that you can show up differently in your life? Is it to establish a new career so that you can exit the corporate world and work in a way that aligns with your values? Are you ready to do both? These reasons are important and will help motivate you throughout the program.
3. Save Your Money
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is an investment in yourself. It will pay off in thousands of ways that you can’t even begin to imagine when you sign up. Have financial resources ready and available to sign up after your Discovery Call
4. Share your Goal
Allow your friends and family to support you as you embark on this journey. Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is a life-changing process that will inspire everyone around you. As you grow and transform, your network will start to reflect those changes. The more people who are aware of the process you are going through - the smoother it will be.
How Do You Teach Kundalini Yoga?
This is a key take away from Kundalini Yoga Training. This is not available in videos or books. This is a process of personal discovery, developing your voice, and relating to the mentors and other students in the program. The secondary part is learning the format and flow of a Kundalini Yoga class. There is a well-developed structure to the teaching methodology.
Once you learn that technique, you can be a leader everywhere in your life. You will have the opportunity to lead and teach your friends and family. People who may never have tried Kundalini Yoga are instantly interested because they know you, have witnessed your journey, and trust you to guide them. It’s a gratifying way to give back to the world around you.